We have all heard the concept of a unique staffing firm sales proposition (USP). But, how many of us have actually created our unique selling proposition for our staffing firms? The number one concept to remember when working on your USP is the keyword “Unique”. We all focus in on words that are not quantifiable. Like “great relationships” or “best customer service”, but can’t most people say that? Let’s talk about the best ways to identify your true differentiation by being mindful of the word unique.

How Am I Different?

GOOD BETTER BEST writen on old torn paper with clip hanging on white background. Business concept words.
When building your staffing firm sales proposition or USP, you need to define what you do and how you do it in detail. Beginning with your process, you are able to see steps that you take to be better than your competition.  The question you have to ask yourself is, are any of these steps different from your competitors?

By drilling into each area of your sales, recruiting, on-boarding, and consultant management process, you will be able to see areas of difference, or you should. Dig into your on-boarding process and ask yourself the question, “Are we making it easier or better for our clients and consultants?” Dig into your consultant life-cycle management and ask yourself, “Do consultants truly feel part of our company or just collecting a paycheck?” Look at your client service practices and see where you excel. Asking clients and consultants for testimonials and looking at your Glassdoor gives you insight into what others think you do well or not well.

The Data

Go into your applicant tracking system and look at the reporting to see areas of differentiation. What is the average time to submit the candidate from the time you receive a req? How many candidates do you submit before getting a placement? There are so many different areas in your data that allow you to see where you are performing better or worse than the competition. TechServe Alliance puts out a great deal of information on how the market is performing that you can compare against.

If after looking at your processes and data and talking to your clients and consultants and getting testimonials doesn’t give you clear vision into your unique staffing firm sales proposition, then you really need to look at what you and your teams are doing. Identifying what makes you different and using words that are unexpected in the marketplace will set you apart. This exeS.J.Hemley Marketingrcise is not an academic exercise because it should be used every single day by your sales and recruiting teams. If you need any additional help, feel free to give us a call.

About S.J.Hemley Marketing
S.J.Hemley Marketing is a marketing and sales consulting firm focused on driving tangible results for professional services firms. Brand matters, but not without ROI. With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience within staffing and recruiting, we have helped to drive successful branding, sales training, lead generation activities as well as defining marketing strategy for top organizations.