“How” to Roll Out Your Marketing Strategy
We’ve discussed finding your target audience, defining what your business is and what your clients want, where you want to do business, and why anyone should do business with you. Once all of those elements have been defined and put in place, then it is time to think of the most important part of your […]
The “Why” of Marketing Strategy
“Why” is one of the shortest questions we are all asked, matter of fact there are very few questions that use less words yet require such exhaustive thought. The “Why” of a marketing strategy is one of the most important questions when it comes to building a plan for success. In building your marketing strategy, […]
The “Where” of Finding Your Target Audience: Marketing Strategy
We have talked about the “who” (our target audience), we have talked about the “what” (products and services our prospects will buy from us) and now we can go into the “where” – target markets. Understanding the “where” of staffing firm marketing strategy allows you to penetrate new verticals. Understanding “where” allows you to determine […]
The “What” of Marketing Strategy
Your marketing strategy is built by understanding the who, what, when, where, why and how. A successful strategy needs to be well thought out, communicated with the entire team, and built for accountability. We have already talked about the “who” in your marketing strategy (target audience) and now it is time to talk about the […]
Marketing Strategy begins with the “Who”: Define Your Target Profile
Building a successful marketing strategy revolves around who, what, when, where, why and how. When you identify these elements, document them, share them with the team and hold everyone accountable to sticking to them, then you will have a successful marketing strategy that delivers the ability to generate return on investment. The best place to […]