Marketing Strategy begins with the “Who”: Define Your Target Profile
Building a successful marketing strategy revolves around who, what, when, where, why and how. When you identify these elements, document them, share them with the team and hold everyone accountable to sticking to them, then you will have a successful marketing strategy that delivers the ability to generate return on investment. The best place to […]
Do Staffing Firm Referral Programs Work?
Today’s blog is going to be interactive. Would you agree that finding quality candidates is about as hard as possible, right now? We think you will want to continue reading. Raise your hand if you have a staffing firm referral program? Raise your hand if you regularly get referrals? Raise your hand if your referral […]
Staffing Firm Marketing Strategies to Fuel Your Growth
Reflection. Excitement. Anticipation. The end of the year and the beginning of the year carry many emotions and feelings. As you end the year, we wanted to share various strategies to kick off 2019 strong. The firms we speak with are reviewing the budgets and plans, looking to their internal growth plans, and determining the […]
The Generation of Lead Generation
Sales is about reaching an audience one at a time. Marketing is about reaching an audience in masses. This basic tenet is at the foundation of how lead generation provides value. We all know from basic business classes that we should invest in marketing, but the hard part is that we don’t know which marketing […]
How To Create A Unique Selling Proposition
Fundamental questions to ask yourself when building a successful marketing strategy are, “What does your business provide that makes you unique and stand out from your competitors and why do you do what you do?” Create a clear and specific summary that answers these questions then take that summary and make it into one streamlined […]