
Market Research

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

In the immortal words, “Yes, but if he knows I know he knows, he may do (X) instead. But what if he knows more than I think he does? He could be acting like he only knows that I know he knows, when in fact he knows that I know he knows I know he […]

Sales & Recruiting Tempo – Email Cadence

We all know the tempo that our sales and recruiting teams have each day. They are making a certain number of outbound calls. They are one-off emailing multiple people during the day. They are following up with clients and candidates, attending meetings, and participating in a variety of other activities to make the deal. With […]

The Show Within the Show – Your Trade Show Strategy

Trade shows. Networking events. Client show events. Candidate happy hours. When we refer to trade shows, we are referring to all of this. As Shakespeare applied to all of his plays, we focus on the play within the play – or as we call it, the show within the show. When you attend any of […]

Driving Sales Or Wait And See?

We all know the adage that people do business with people they like. Yet, how do you get someone to like you when they won’t event talk to you? Lead generation refers to the acquisition of new clients, acquisition of new candidates, and the expansion of business within existing clients. When we talk about prospecting, […]

How will training help? I need productive sales teams.

One of the very first things we all learn about salespeople is that they are born, not made. This is fundamentally true, but we have all met the person that seems to overcome regardless of the birth quotient. What do they do differently and can we make them? Train to fit the person with the […]

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