

Don’t Let Your Staffing Firm Fall Victim to these Common Website Mistakes

Your company website is an essential part of your staffing firm’s branding and marketing efforts. Before contacting your sales team and recruiters, potential clients and candidates are most likely checking out your firm online. Thanks to the Internet, potential candidates and clients are able to access information about the history of your staffing firm, how […]

branding for staffing firms

Brand Matters, but Not Without ROI

Our tagline is, “brand matters, but not without ROI”. The reason we came up with this tagline is because many staffing firms have looked at branding as a cost center, instead of an ROI center. The truth is, there is some branding for staffing firms that don’t generate ROI. However, most branding tactics should have […]

digital marketing strategy

The Importance of Podcasting in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

It’s 2020. What are you doing about your digital marketing strategy? Are you working on your SEO? Have you created cadences for your email and mail campaigns? Have you integrated your website with all of the necessary tools in order to turn into an engine? Are you using all of the tools available to you […]

staffing firm sales training

The ABCs of Staffing Firm Sales Training

Sales training is one of the more conflicted topics among staffing firms. How much time should the average salesperson or recruiter go through in their tenure with your firm? How often do we repeat sales training? How often do we take sales training to another level with each of our salespeople? Companies with a training […]

Putting it in Staffing Firm Autopilot: Why You Need Email Marketing Automation

Defining your email strategy When it comes to your email strategy, it’s always important to look at your areas of business that need assistance. Different staffing firms struggle in some areas more so than others, whether it’s candidate acquisition, client acquisition, or keeping up with current candidates and consultants. There are so many different areas […]

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