
Why are you using social media for your business? Do’s and Don’ts.
All too often, we all hear that our businesses should be on or doing more on social media. Don’t buy into the hype. There are so many options and many times we are seeing businesses simply jump in. With all the options within the social media world, how do you keep on strategy? Here are […]

Avoid the definition of insanity. Change it up and create a lead generation campaign.
Your sales team is begging for help. They call every day with the same message and struggle to get thru to a human being. You might say, “The strong survive.” Banging your head against a wall is not strength. Marketing campaigns are designed to open doors, make conversations easier and provide motivation to the client. […]

Identifying your Identity. The command and control of defining your company.
How do your customers know you? How do they remember you? What are three words that they would use to describe your firm? We are all busy building our companies and it all starts with a sale or does it. Do people buy from people they don’t know or like? When it comes to closing […]

Is my firm different? Can I tell people how it is different?
We have all seen the differentiators that are not exciting. How you determine your differentiation is one of the toughest things you will do. It is determined by who you want your firm to be and simply put, profitable is not a good differentiator. This is where your process can stand out. This is where […]

Why are they not coming to my booth? The art of tradeshows.
There are many views on the value of tradeshows, conferences and career fairs. The fact is that you can be lost in a crowd and they can be the best thing ever. The difference between a good show and not a good show begins with the show organizers, but then it falls to you and […]