The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Is this the case with your tradeshow booth? Have you been using the same booth again and again, regardless of the event you attend or the marketing message you want to convey? Are you seeing the number of generated leads going down instead of increasing? Do attendees simply walk by your exhibit without pausing to find out more about your services? If the answer to such questions is yes, then the time has come to update your staffing firm’s tradeshow booth. Keep in mind the following factors as you re-approach your booth.
Given that you don’t have an unlimited budget, it is important that you get the most out of your tradeshow attendance. Does your tradeshow booth convey the message of your company? Does it speak to the new service you are promoting? Does it champion the recent re-branding you did? Your booth needs to serve the goals you are trying to achieve every time your team attends an event. It needs to communicate the message you want to pass on, so make sure that your booth gives you the ability to make adjustments to it based on the objectives you have.
Every tradeshow is different, and different attendance calls for different goals. This being said, your booth needs to adapt accordingly. If for example, your plan is to attend small conferences, it makes no sense to have a bulky booth that costs a fortune to transport and operate. When you update your staffing firm’s tradeshow booth, you need to factor in portability, easiness and flexibility. You need to keep transportation costs low, your team needs to be able to set it up and break it down with minimum effort, and you need to be able to modify it according to the event you attend.
As you update your staffing firm’s tradeshow booth, keep in mind that apart from your exhibit, you also need to work on your collateral. When was the last time you checked to see if they communicate the message you want? Are you making the mistake of using the same materials regardless of the event you attend? Remember that attendees are going to visit many exhibits, so you need to make sure that they leave yours with information that speaks to your niche within the staffing industry. From giveaways to case studies to brochures, evaluate and update everything that is going to be handed out at your booth.
Every firm attending a tradeshow has one goal – at a firm that wants to be successful: to generate as many leads as possible. Given that this is what you also want to achieve, you need to find ways to get the attention of attendees and draw them to your booth. Don’t be one of those exhibitors whose booth staff spend the day on their phones and take endless breaks. Instead, use technology to allure your audience to come in and find out more about your services. Use TV screens to show testimonials of current clients as well as play PowerPoint presentations. Use lighting to make sure your logo is prominent and your booth communicates your message.
Another element to factor in when you update your staffing firm’s tradeshow booth is your team. All the bells and whistles, the latest technology gadgets and the most creative collateral are not going to do much if your booth staff is not well prepared to engage with your audience. Sit down with them in the weeks before the event and talk about your points of differentiation and your value proposition. Make sure that they are able to deliver your message in ways that win the interest of attendees. Encourage them to be interactive and avoid having a passive presence. The more engaging they are, the more successful your attendance is.
Key Takeaways for Is it Time to Redo Your Tradeshow Booth?:
- Your booth needs to communicate the message you want to pass to your audience
- When you update your booth factor in portability, easiness and flexibility
- Make sure your collateral is also up-to-date
- Look into ways that catch the attention of attendees
- Prepare your booth staff to engage with attendees
About S.J.Hemley Marketing
S.J.Hemley Marketing is a marketing and sales consulting firm focused on driving tangible results for professional services firms. Brand matters, but not without ROI. With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience within staffing and recruiting, we have helped to drive successful branding, sales training, lead generation activities as well as defining marketing strategy for top organizations.