Staffing Firm SEOWhat is your SEO ranking? If you do not know the answer to this question, then you are clearly not keeping a close eye on your website analytics. Growing your business requires new leads, and today’s professionals are utilizing online searches to find staffing firms to do business with. Is your website attracting the attention of potential clients and candidates? Have you done everything in your power to update your site and gain favor with online search sites? In order to improve your staffing firm’s SEO and make your website work for your staffing firm, you need to modernize your site and carefully monitor your staffing firm’s SEO ranking.

Get Your Website Working for You
How do you view your staffing firm’s website? Do you think of it as simply a fancy online form to collect contact information from potential clients and candidates? Is your website functioning as nothing more than a high-tech advertising brochure? While there are many different factors that are taken into account when determining SEO rankings, keep the following points in mind if you are hoping to make your website stand out to the search engines. In order to push your site closer to the top of the page when candidates and clients conduct searches, you must make use of responsive design, industry keywords, relevant content, and analytical programs.

Responsive Design
When it comes to search engines, responsive sites always score higher than non-responsive sites. If the search was initiated on a mobile device, many search engines will show preference to responsive sites first even if your non-responsive site matches all of the search criteria. If you haven’t already, switch your site over to a responsive design. Invest in the future of your company by working with an experienced website developer who knows all of the ins and outs of responsive design. Be sure to minimize your page load times and replace any large multimedia files with smaller ones that do not require extra buffering time.

Make use of keywords throughout your website and integrate them into all new content that you upload and share. Conduct market research to determine which words or phrases are being used in searches by your target audience. Analyze each page of your website and be sure that your keywords are linked to the appropriate content to draw the attention of the search engines and ultimately bring new visitors to your site.

Content marketing is a great way to increase traffic to your staffing firm’s website, engage with your target audience and improve your staffing firm’s SEO ranking. By creating an editorial calendar and regularly posting new, relevant content to your site you are drawing the attention of the SEO algorithms used by sites such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. As mentioned above, be sure to integrate industry-specific keywords and include appropriate tags on each blog article or marketing piece that you upload to your site. Engage with your audience by sharing this new content on your social media profiles and promoting it on industry forums and LinkedIn groups.

SEO rankings have the potential to fluctuate greatly from day-to-day and week-to-week. While it is not practical for most firms to monitor their metrics every day or even once a week, a monthly SEO check-up yields valuable insights and allows for adjustments when needed. Has your site suddenly dropped from the first page of search results to the fourth page? What has changed in that time frame? What are other staffing firms doing that have pushed them to the top of page one? Make use of Google analytics to check the visitor rates for your website. Improve your staffing firm’s SEO ranking by ensuring that there are no broken links or specific pages where users are dropping off at high rates.

Key Takeaways to Improving Your Staffing Firm’s SEO:S.J.Hemley Marketing

  1. Get your website working for your staffing firm by using responsive design, industry keywords, relevant content, and analytical programs
  2. Work with a website developer to switch your site over to a responsive design
  3. Make use of keywords throughout your website and integrate them into new content
  4. Regularly create new content and promote it online and through your social media profiles
  5. Utilize analytical programs to keep a close eye on your SEO ranking and make adjustments where necessary

About S.J.Hemley Marketing
S.J.Hemley Marketing is a marketing and sales consulting firm focused on driving tangible results for professional services firms. Brand matters, but not without ROI. With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience within staffing and recruiting, we have helped to drive successful branding, sales training, lead generation activities as well as defining marketing strategy for top organizations.