Digital marketing – it’s been around for a couple of decades, and you may even feel like you’ve gotten the hang of the whole digital thing by now. With your website, social channels, job boards, and more, you probably have a solid approach on how to present your firm and engage with both prospects and current clients. This is not a new concept, but in 2021, there are some shifts that could be beneficial to your staffing firm digital marketing strategy.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2021 for staffing firms

Cutting Back on Social
No, this doesn’t mean post less on your channels. However, in 2021, it’s important to consider reducing the number of social media channels you’re using. Many companies try to spread themselves thin, and try to stay relevant on various channels, which leaves them wracking their brains for content to post, and many times, posting less-valuable content just to have something up there. Discuss with your team which social media channels are the most relevant, necessary, and engaging for your staffing firm digital marketing strategy, and focus on those. This allows you to focus your efforts on sharing valuable content, and therefore attracting valuable prospects.

Hosting Virtual Events
In the midst of the pandemic, virtual events became a necessity across the globe and across industries. While in-person events will hopefully soon return, 2021 will see the continued rise of these types of business gatherings, as companies have been able to reach new and larger audiences due to the accessibility that they offer. This creates higher attendance and more participation, not to mention lower cost and higher ROI.

For example, hosting a panel discussion on data science with various subject matter experts allows prospects and even current clients to learn about the topic, and allows you to get your foot in the door for potential business opportunities. People are able to join from around the world, which allows you to broaden your scope, and engage with an audience you may never have had the chance to in person.

Fostering Interaction During Virtual Events
When we say virtual event, we don’t mean one-way communication. It is imperative that you foster collaboration through these events and encourage questions and conversation. While attendees want to hear what your staffing firm has to say, they are also looking for a more personalized experience in which they can get their own questions answered and maybe even share some knowledge they have themselves. That’s not to say these live virtual events can’t be posted on your website or social media after the fact but utilizing this “live” style increases your attendance rate and make it feel more like a real event.

Utilizing AR (Augmented Reality)
While this is not readily available as of yet, augmented reality is in our near future and you should put this on your list of must-tries to level up your staffing firm digital marketing strategy. What even is AR? It’s an “interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information” (Wikipedia). Digital growth experts are learning how to weave AR into digital engagement, and you don’t want to miss out on this revolutionary advancement. This gives you the opportunity to bring your brand to life – literally. Now is the time to research and learn about how AR can help you in the near future!

Although everyone’s strategies are different, your digital marketing strategy needs to encompass who you are as a staffing firm, no matter what that looks like. While not all trends need to be utilized, these are a few that could help you stand out and take your 2021 business goals to new heights.
business and marketing strategy

About S.J.Hemley Marketing
S.J.Hemley Marketing is a marketing and sales consulting firm focused on driving tangible results for professional services firms. Brand matters, but not without ROI. With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience within staffing and recruiting, we have helped to drive successful branding, sales training, lead generation activities as well as defining marketing strategy for top organizations.