Whether it’s your personal accounts or your staffing firm’s social media account, you have to admit that you care about the number of followers you have. The truth is, people look at the number of followers your firm has, and that has an effect on their decision to follow you. Also, it goes without saying that the more followers you have, the more outreach and influence you have.

So, how do you increase your social media followers? Continue reading this list to find out.

Be Active on Your Socials
One of the biggest ways to increase your social media followers is to be active on your accounts. This includes your posts and engagement with other posts. A large part of social media effectiveness is being able to keep your organization’s name and message in your followers feed. This requires a social media strategy and an editorial calendar to keep everything on schedule. If you are posting once or twice a week, they are going to get lost in a sea of millions of posts. Although it’s important to post consistently, you don’t want to overdo it and scare away your followers by flooding their feed. Keep your posts regular and consistent and you are on track to both retaining and gaining followers.

social media followers

Another part of being active on social media is your engagement. You should not only be posting from your staffing firm’s account, but also engaging with others through likes, comments, and shares. Doing this establishes a positive presence on social media as well as increases the chance of developing real relationships with your followers. Being active through creating conversations on social media exposes your value and brand to new people, thus increasing your chance of gaining them as a follower. Additionally, engage your entire staffing firm with social media by having them comment on posts. The strategy is simple, engage with others and they engage with you.

Share Valuable Content
What does your content look like? We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: content is king. The content you are sharing on your social media accounts are key to gaining new followers. Know your audience and post relevant content that they will feel inclined to engage with. As mentioned in the last section, creating an editorial calendar is a great way to organize your social media marketing strategy. Your strategy should include repurposed articles (articles from other sources that are relevant to your industry), which highlights news and trends of interest to your social media followers. They’re engagement with these articles allows for it to spread to other users that may find interest in the content, thus increasing your pages chance of a new follower.

Other content you should be sharing on social media includes original content your organization has created. This includes blog articles, podcast episodes, surveys, data, webinars, events, and more. The more valuable and relevant content you post, the more followers you attract.

Utilize Hashtags
Using hashtags in your social media posts increases outreach, and what does more outreach mean? You guessed it, more social media followers! By including a hashtag in your posts, you are allowing for that specific post to join a large amount of other posts using the same hashtag. This is a great tactic to gain more followers because if a user searches a hashtag, or clicks on a specific hashtag on another post, they are led to your organization’s post. It increases traffic back to your page and entices someone to click that follow button. When using a hashtag, it’s important to do a quick search to make sure that specific keyword is what you want associated with your brand. A simple search allows you to find the hashtags best suited for your posts.

Keep up with the Trends
I, for one, am always guilty of clicking on links and posts that are “trending”. But let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be up-to-date with the current times? When your organization is posting content, make sure it is relevant to the times. Take a look at your current followers…what are they engaging with? What are they liking, sharing, and commenting on? Who are they following? Simple research goes a long way in order to pinpoint what your audience wants to see.

Promote Through Emailbusiness and marketing strategy
I’m sure email marketing is already part of your marketing strategy. If it’s not, give us a call and we’ll help you establish a strategy. Email is a great way to send your message and brand to a large audience, so include your social media handles! We recommend that at the end of each email you send, you include a section that informs people to follow you in social media. This gives easy access to your staffing firm’s social pages. You can also take advantage of your email lists and go even bigger! Create an email campaign that specifically promotes your social media accounts. Inform people of the impressive content you are posting and encourage them to follow you.

Social Media Campaigns
In past blogs, we’ve discussed the use of social media campaigns and how it can spread your content across a very large audience. Not only does this allow for your content to reach more people, but it also increases your chance of receiving more followers as an outcome. We’ll tell you right now, it’s well worth the money spent.

Follow Relevant Accounts
Who is your page following? Having real followers is important, but following real and relevant accounts yourself is equally important. Follow accounts that your social media followers are interested in. You should also be following accounts that are relevant to your industry and brand. This allows your account to be more visible to others, increasing your chance of obtaining more followers.

Now that you know the ways to increase your social media followers, let us help you implement it. Feel free to reach out for a consultation on how to improve your social media marketing strategy.

About S.J.Hemley Marketing
S.J.Hemley Marketing is a marketing and sales consulting firm focused on driving tangible results for professional services firms. Brand matters, but not without ROI. With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience within staffing and recruiting, we have helped to drive successful branding, sales training, lead generation activities as well as defining marketing strategy for top organizations. www.sjhemleymarketing.com