As a staffing firm, you’re constantly seeking ways to make your recruiting more efficient, while also reaching more of the right people. While there are numerous tactics out there, one that is growing in popularity in the staffing industry is the use of social media, but more specifically, Facebook. We know – you probably think this is a platform that is solely for posting pictures of your family barbecue and kid’s graduation. But we’re here to prove you wrong. This blog dives into how to create a winning staffing Facebook strategy to attract leads and enhance your recruiting efforts.

staffing Facebook strategy

Where to Start
If you’re like most staffing firms in the 21st century, you most likely already have a company Facebook page. But are you using it to its full advantage? Facebook allows you to create a separate “Careers” page where you post job openings instead of having these posts scattered throughout your regular business page feed.

Facebook has created a similar layout as job sites, for you to input the job description, location, compensation, etc. Give prospects a sense of not only what the job entails and what benefits are offered, but also give them a feel for the company culture and what they may look forward to! Facebook even allows you to set up interviews with prospects or reject applicants all within the platform, saving you the hassle of having to use multiple applications or programs during your process.

Create Some Ads!
Now that you have a Careers page, it’s time to create some ads for prospects! Facebook allows you to narrow in on who you want your ads to get in front of down to things like age, occupation, interests, and more. Get as specific or as broad as you’d like!

The next step to creating effective ads is to craft compelling messaging that make your prospects stop in their tracks with eyes and ears perked. What would you want to know if you were a candidate? Think of some key elements that play into a candidate’s job search and make sure to highlight those things in your copy.

And don’t forget the graphics! Your imagery is just as important as your copy. A boring, outdated image is sure to get scrolled right through, so make sure you’re creating eye-catching graphics that make you stop and stare!

Check the Metrics
Lastly, your staffing Facebook strategy must include analysis. This means checking to see what type of content/copy/imagery is driving the most engagement so that you create more posts with that type of messaging and graphic. Check not only the likes and comments but also the CTR (click-through-rate), views, and shares as well. And remember, any comments you get, make sure you respond! This builds relationships as well as trusts with prospects.staffing firm market research tools

Are you ready to create a winning staffing Facebook strategy? Need help getting started? Let us know and we’re glad to show you the way! For other sales tips, check out our other blogs or reach out to us and we’d love to chat!

About S.J.Hemley Marketing
S.J.Hemley Marketing is a marketing and sales consulting firm focused on driving tangible results for professional services firms. Brand matters, but not without ROI. With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience within staffing and recruiting, we have helped to drive successful branding, sales training, lead generation activities as well as defining marketing strategy for top organizations.